JA no like GAY! – much.

3 04 2007

Jamaica is known for a number of things: Beautiful women, Reggae & Dancehall music, crime & violence, and EXTREME HOMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!

Don’t believe me? Here’s an example: Read about some of the anti-gay festivities in Jamaica here and here. Anti-Gay sentiments are a part of Jamaican pride and patriotism.

Imagine then, my surprise last night. Jolly me is surfing the net. I log onto www.vibesconnect.com, a popular social networking site (like Myspace) owned and operated in Kingston Jamaica. HEY! I have a new message. Cool . . . . . . . . . . .but . . . . . . . .who is this random guy sending me a message? Subject says “link”. I wonder. . . .is it Spam? Is he trying to get connected to the plethora of females on my friend list? Is he the boyfriend of some girl I sent a naughty message? Jehovah’s Witness? Eventually, curiosity got the better of me and CLICK!

“Hey mi don. You looking real nice. Sexy eyes, lips and skin tone.”


Now i’ve become accustomed to being hit on by fat, middle aged white women with kids on Myspace. But never before have I been hit on by a man. And that’s saying a lot. I’m originally from Barbados, a place where transvestite prostitutes make a decent living. Jamaicans LOVE to talk about how Barbados is full of gays, but in all the countries I’ve lived or visited, I’ve never been hit on by a gay man until I came to JAMAICA of all places!

Not exactly a comfortable feeling. I had always been completely ambivalent to gays because frankly, I really didn’t care. I find the act disgusting, but I don’t really spend much time thinking about what men are doing with other men. I just don’t care. But damn. . . . that was gross! If that happened in real life, I would have freaked out. I guess I am homophobic after all. Yuck!

Apparently the good Lord saw my dismay and convinced a lovely young lady to call me out of the blue. I met her on the same site a few days ago. Let’s hope she really is a woman! 😮